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A clojure library to connect with Live For Speed racing simulator via the InSim protocol.


Pre 0.2.1 deprecation warning

clj-insim 0.2.1-SNAPSHOT (and versions before that) are still available on Clojars. These are deprecated and not maintained! This repo contains version 0.3.x with a completely different async architecture.


Include a dependency on this project and core.async in your deps.edn.

;; v 0.3.0
:deps {com.github.verberktstan/clj-insim {:git/tag "v0.3.0"
                                          :git/sha "552993f"}}

Printing incoming packets

Require clj-insim.client in your ns.

(ns core
  (:require [clj-insim.client :as client]))

Define a function that starts the client, using client/start and client/go.

(defn start-listener []
  ;; Start the client
  (let [client (client/start)]
    ;; Start a async go-loop that simply prints packets
    ;; The dispatch function supplied to clj-insim.client/go should accept 2
    ;; arguments, the client and incoming the packet.
    (client/go client (fn [_ packet]
                        (println packet)))
    ;; Return the client map, so we can stop it later.

  ;; To start the client:
  (def lfs-client (start-listener))

  ;; To stop it:
  (client/stop lfs-client)


Take a look at the docs

Run examples from cli

I develop this on Mac OSX and Linux, and didn’t test all this on Windows. Please refer to Getting Started - Installation on Windows to get it going.

Make sure clojure is installed and run one of the examples by executing:

clojure -m
clojure -m examples.scoring
clojure -m examples.buttons

Take a look at safety.clj, scoring.clj & buttons.clj in the src/examples directory to see how these example clients are implemented.